Friday, 14th December 2007 : Today's Word is ...
( Adjective )
Pronunciation : un-fléjd
1. describes a young bird that has not yet developed the feathers required for flight
2. young and inexperienced
3. (of an arrow) not equipped with feathers
Probably from obsolete fledge - feathered - from Middle English flegge - from Old English - flycge
guileless, inexperienced, infant, jejune, jellybean, juvenile, kid, low tech, naive, puerile, raw, sophomore, unbaked, unripe, unsophisticated, untrained, untried, young, innocent, fresh, immature, ignorant
experienced, mature, sophisticated, worldly
Contextual Examples:
• Aunt Jamesina had a proper respect for the cloth even in the case of an unfledged parson.
• How could you, my poor little unfledged nestling, find yourself food, and defend yourself from misfortune, and ward off the wiles of evil men?
Related Words :
1. fledgling: Adjective
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