7th August 2007 : Today's Word-Rudimentary
( Adjective )
Pronunciation : (ru'de-men'te-re)
1. Of or relating to basic facts or principles
2. Being in the earliest stages of development
3. Crude unformed or undeveloped
4. Imperfectly or incompletely developed
5. Of or treating the most basic aspects
6. Of a primitive kind
1. Basal
2. Basic
3. Beginning
4. Elementary
5. Rudimental
6. Fundamental
7. Vestigial
8. Undeveloped
9. Underlying
10. Simple
11. Embryonic
12. Incipient
1. Additional
2. Advanced
3. Derivative
4. Developed
5. Extra
6. Nonessential
7. Sophisticated
Contextual Example:
• The primitive tribe's tools were very rudimentary. In fact, they looked more like rocks than like tools.
• The boy who had lived with wolves for fifteen years lacked even the most rudimentary social skills.
• The strange creature had small bumps on its torso that appeared to be rudimentary limbs.
Related Words:
Rudimentarily: Adverb
Rudimental: Adjecive
Rudimentariness: Noun
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