English Words

English Vocabulary Index

English Words for 2nd October :

  1. Sedge (n) : a coarse grass

  2. Sediment (n) : that which settles at the bottom of a liquid

  3. Sedition (n) : speaking against the government

  4. Sedition (adj.) : seditious

  5. Seduce (v) : persuade to do evil, corrupt, entice

  6. Seduce (n) : seduction

  7. Sedulous (adj.) : painstaking

  8. See (v) : have the power of sight, look, understand, perceive, feel

  9. See (n) : a diocese

  10. Seed (n) : the reproductive grain or nut of a plant

  11. Seedling (n) : the reproductive grain newly grown from the seed

  12. Seedy (adj.) : full of seeds, sickly, shabby

  13. Seeing (conj) : since, because, considering

  14. Seek (v) : to look for, search, to try

  15. Seem (adj.) : appear

  16. Seeming (adj.) : having the appearance of

  17. Seemly (adj.) : proper, correct, decent

  18. Seer (n) : person claiming to see into the future, prophet

  19. Seesaw (n) : a play among children in which a plank supported in the middle is used to move up and down with a swinging movement

  20. Seethe (v) : boil, bubble, over, be much disturbed

  21. Segment (n) : a part, part of a circle bounded by an arc and a chord

  22. Segregate (v) : separate from others, set apart

  23. Segregation (n) : separation

  24. Seismograph (n) : an instrument for recording earthquake shocks

  25. Seize (v) : clutch, grasp, attach, be affected by

  26. Seldom (adv.) : rarely, not often

  27. Select (v) : choose, pick out

  28. Selection (n) : choosing, a choice

  29. Self (n) : one’s personal interest, one’s own person

  30. Self-acquired (adj.) : earned or acquired by oneself

  31. Self-conceit (n) : vanity, self-esteem

  32. Self-confidence (n) : confidence in one’s own abilities

  33. Self-control (n) : checking one’s desires, self-restraint, self-command

  34. Self-culture (n) : education without the aid of teachers

  35. Self deception (n) : deceiving one’s own self

  36. Self defence (n) : the act of guarding or protecting one’s own person and property

  37. Self-denial (n) : mortification, self-sacrifice

  38. Self-discipline (n) : training and controlling one’s self

  39. Self evident (adj.) : clear without more evidence

  40. Self-help (n) : use of one’s own powers to achieve success etc.

  41. Self-importance (n) : pride

  42. Self-interested (adj.): interested in one’s own good

English Words for 2nd October :

English Vocabulary Index

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