Eves and Writing
How do the eyes invert the images?

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Eves and Writing

When you are writing, your eyes are constantly giving information to the brain about each and every alphabet, how you are writing it, its size, direction, etc.

Close your eyes and write the alphabets on a sheet of paper.

After this, write on a separate sheet with eyes open.

Now compare the two writings.

You will find that the one you wrote with eyes closed is not in a uniform manner.

There will be several defects in the writing.

How do the eyes invert the images?

Take a cardboard and cut a rectangular part out of it. On the opening you stick a tracing paper. Now take a magnifying lens and go to the front of the Television set in your house. Hold the magnifying lens in one hand and the screen you have made in the other hand.

Look through the screen at the TV. Now adjust the lens by moving it to and fro in front of the screen, until an image of the picture in the TV appears on the screen. You will notice that the image is in an inverted form. This is how the lens in our eyes invert the outside images and makes them fall on the retina of the eyes.

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