Frequently Used
Foreign Words and Phrases

Foreign Words and Phrases Index

Here is the complete list of Frequently Used Foreign Words and Phrases.

  1. Ad libitum = as much as you please

  2. Alamort = very ill

  3. Alias = also known as

  4. Alpha and omega = beginning and end

  5. Alumni = ex-student of a college

  6. Anno domini = in the year of the Lord A.D.

  7. Argumentum = an argument

  8. Bob voyage = have a good journey

  9. Bona fide = regular, genuine

  10. Bonne = mail servant

  11. Bungalow = big house

  12. Chef = a cook

  13. Coolie = porter

  14. Cuisine = way of cooking

  15. Curriculum vitae = bio data

  16. Curry = hot / spicy dish

  17. De facto = real

  18. Dei gratia = by the grace of God

  19. Deluxe = of luxury

  20. Denovo = anew

  21. En masse = in a mass

  22. En tourage = surroundings

  23. Enbloc = as a whole

  24. Errata = list of errors

  25. Etcetera = and the rest

  26. Eureka = I have found.

  27. Exit = departure

  28. Ex-officio = in virtue of one’s office

  29. Ex-parte = on one side only

  30. Extra mural = beyond the walls

  31. Fortibus = fortune favours the bold

  32. In absentia = in absence

  33. In camera = privately

  34. In memorium = to the memory of

  35. In statuquo = in the former state

  36. Incognito = in disguise

  37. Intoto = totally

  38. Ipso facto = by the very fact

  39. Jeu hefille = a young girl

  40. Mala fide = in bad faith

  41. Menu = the detailed list

  42. Monde = the world

  43. Nota bene = N.B. take notice

  44. Notre dame = our lady

  45. Obiit = death

  46. On route = on the way

  47. Par excellence = very rare and unique

  48. Per = for

  49. Per annum = for each year

  50. Per capital = per individual

  51. Petite = small dainty woman

  52. Post-mortem = occurring after death

  53. Précis = summary

  54. Prima = in the first place

  55. Proforma = form to be filled in

  56. Quantum = quantity

  57. Quoad = in this respect

  58. Regina = reigning queen

  59. Restaurant = eating place

  60. Simplex = simple period

  61. Sine die = for the indefinite

  62. Sine die = without assigning a date

  63. Terminus ad quem = the destination

  64. Utile = useful

  65. Via = by the way of

  66. Vice = in place of

  67. Vice versa = in opposed ways

  68. Viva voce = oral test

  69. Vivela = long live

  70. Viz = namely

Foreign Words and Phrases Index

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