Frequently Used Nationalities

Here is the complete list of Frequently Used Nationalities. There are many nations in the world. Persons living in a particular country are called in connection with the name of the country. They are called Nationalities.

For example, a citizen of Afghanistan is called as Afghan. A citizen of American is called American.

  1. Afghanistan - Afghan

  2. Arab - Arabian

  3. Australia - Australian

  4. Canada - Canadian

  5. China - Chinese

  6. Colombia - Columbian

  7. Egypt - Egyptian

  8. England - English

  9. France - French

  10. Germany - Germanise

  11. Greece - Greek

  12. Holland - Dutch

  13. India - Indian

  14. Israel - Israeli

  15. Japan - Japanese

  16. Kazakhstan - Kazakhs

  17. Korea - Korean

  18. Kuwait -. Kuwaiti

  19. Malaysia - Malaysian

  20. Oman - Omanis

  21. Pakistan - Pakistani

  22. Peru - Peruvian

  23. Portugal - Portuguese

  24. Scotland - Scot

  25. Serbia - Serb

  26. Spain -.Spanish

  27. Sudan - Sudanese

  28. Syria - Syrian

  29. Turkey - Turkish

  30. Vietnam - Vietnamese

Nationalities Index

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