Key Words

English Vocabulary Index

Key Words for 12th December :

  1. Variant (adj.) : variable, different

  2. Variation (n) : diversity

  3. Varied (adj.) : of many kinds, changed

  4. Variegated (adj.) : marked with different colours

  5. Variety (n) : different kinds, a class

  6. Various (adj.) : many, different

  7. Varlet (n) : a scoundrel, a servant

  8. Varnish (n) : shiny, transparent, hard coating on wood

  9. Varnish (v) : put varnish on

  10. Varsity (n) : university

  11. Vary (v) : change, alter, modify

  12. Vase (n) : urn, a jar

  13. Vassal (n) : a tenant holding lease for a term, a bondsman, servant

  14. Vast (adj.) : enormous, very great in number, quantity or amount

  15. Vat (n) : a wooden tub

  16. Vaudeville (n) : a song, an entertainment

  17. Vault (n) : arched roof, underground room, burial chamber

  18. Vault (v) : leap over

  19. Vaunt (n) : boast

  20. Vaunt (v) : boast

  21. Veal (n) : flesh of a calf

  22. Veer (v) : turn direction

  23. Vegetable (n) : a plant used as food raw or after cooking

  24. Vegetable (adj.) : derived from vegetables

  25. Vegetarian (n) : one who eats only vegetable foods

  26. Vegetation (n) : all kinds of plants

  27. Vehemence (n) : violence, great ardour, fervour

  28. Vehicle (n) : any conveyance for transport, means of conveyance

  29. Veil (n) : a cover for the face, curtain, cover

  30. Veil (v) : cover, conceal, disguise

  31. Vein (n) : any blood vessel, a rib in a leap

  32. Vellum (n) : parchment (like paper)

  33. Velocity (n) : rate of motion in straight line, speed

  34. Velvet (n) : a fine silk cloth having a thick short smooth pile on one side

  35. Vend (v) : sell

  36. Venal (adj.) : willing to do evil for money

  37. Vender (n) : one who sells

  38. Vendor (n) : one who sells

  39. Vendetta (n) : family quarrel lasting several generations

  40. Veneer (v) : to cover a piece of cheaper wood with another piece of finer quality, to give a good appearance to what is really bad

  41. Veneration (n) : intense reverence

  42. Venery (n) : hunting

Key Words for 12th December :

English Vocabulary Index

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