Word List: Linguistics1390 Matching Entries Browse our collection of word lists which allow you to examine words more closely. Provide descriptions of words alongside dictionary definitions and a list of related words. A-bar binding A-bar bound A-bar free A-bar GF A-bar movement A-bar position A-binding A-bound A-chain A-free A-GF A-movement A-over-A A-position Abduction Ablaut Absolute neutralization Absolute threshold Absolutive Absorption Abstract noun ABX discrimination Accent Accessibility Accessible Accidental gap Accomplishment Accusative verb Achievement Acoustic correlate Acoustic coupling Acronym Across-the-Board Action tie Active Activity Adam's apple Adaptation Adduction Adicity Adjacency Adjacency Condition Adjoin Adjunct Adjunct Condition Adjunction Adjunction condition Advanced tongue root Adverb Affect alpha Affected object Affectedness Affix Affix Ordering Generalization Affix Rule Affix substitution Affixation Affricate Agent Agentive verb Agglutinating language AGR Agree Agreement Airstream mechanisms Aktionsar Aliasing Alienable possession Allomorph Allomorphy Allomorphy rule Allophony Alveolar Ambiguity Ambisyllabic Amplitude Analog-to-digital conversion Analogy Analysis-and-resynthesis Analysis-by-synthesis Analytic truth Anaphor Anaphoric epithet Anaphoric pronoun Angled brackets Anomaly Antecedent Antecedent government Antecedent-govern Anterior Anticipatory shortening Antiformant Antipersistence Antonymy Apical Appositional compound Approximant Arbitrary PRO Argument Argument position Argument structure Argument-linking Principle Arity Article Articulation Articulation rate Articulators Articulatory gesture Articulatory speech synthesis Articulography Arytenoid Aspect Aspectual classes Aspiration Assertion Assignment Assimilation Atelic aspect Atom Condition Atomic formula Atomicity of words Attract Attractor Attributive noun phrase Attributive use Audiogram Auditory feedback Automatic speaker identification Automatic speaker verification Automatic Speech Recognition Autosegmental analysis of intonation AUX Auxiliary verb Avoid Pronoun Principle AX discrimination Bach-Peters paradox Back Back-formation Backward anaphora Bahuvrihi compound Ballastic movement Bandwidth Bare plural Bark scale Barrier Base Base component Base-generated Basilar membrane Belief sentence Bernouilli principle Biconditional Bijection Principle Bilabial Binary Branching Constraint Binary connective Bind Binding Binding Condition Binding Domain Binding theory Biteblock Biuniqueness Bleeding order Blending Blocking Blocking Category Bottom-up Bound Bound morpheme Bound variable Boundary Bounded/unbounded Bounding node Bounding theory Braces Bracket Erasure Convention Bracketed grids Bracketing paradox Branch Breathy voice Bridge verb Broad focus Buccal cavity By-phrase C-command C-command domain C-dominate C-selection Canonical structural realization Cardinal vowels Case Case assignment Case Filter Case-marked Case-marking Cataphoric relation Categorical perception Causative verb Centre frequency Chain Chain Composition Chain Condition Checking configuration Checking domain Checking relation Checking theory Circumfix Class I affix Class I/II affix Class II affixes Clause union Cleft Click detection Clicks Clipping Clitic Clitic Climbing Cliticization Closed syllable Closed under extension Closed under inclusion Co-analysis Co-articulation Co-intrinsic characteristics Co-ordinative structure Cochlea Cochlear implant Cocktail party effect Coda Cohort model Coindexed Coindexing Collective noun Collective predicate Command Comment COMP Comparative Complement Complement domain Complementary distribution Complementizer Complementizer deletion Complete Functional Complex Complex Noun Phrase Condition Complex NP Constraint Componential analysis Compositional meaning Compositional semantics Compositionality of translation Compositionality Principle Compound Compound Affix Ordering Generalization Compound Rule Compounding Concatenation Conceptual Structure Conceptualism Concord Concrete noun Condition A Condition B Condition C Condition on Extraction Domain Conditional Configurational language Conjugation Conjunction Connectedness Connective Connotation Consequent Conservativity Consonantal Constancy Constative Constituent Contain Context dependence Contextual neutralization Contingent truth Continuant Contour tone Contraction Contradiction Control Control shift Control Theory Converge Converse antonymy Conversion Coordinate Structure Constraint Core Core-grammar Coreference Coreferential Coronal Correspondence theory Count noun Counterfactive predicate Covert syntax CP CP-reduction Cranberry morpheme Crash Creaky voice Crest factor Cricoid Critical bandwidth Cross-categorial operators Crossed binding Crossing Crossmodal semantic priming Crossover CSC Cumulative reference Cyclic domain Cyclicity D-structure DAF Damping Daughter-of DB Decibel Declarative sentence Declension Declination Decomposition of word meaning Deep-Structure Defective paradigm Definite article Definite description Definiteness effect Definiteness restriction Defooting Degemination Deictic pronoun Deixis Delayed Auditory Feedback Deletion Deletion in COMP Demonstratives Demotion Denotation Denotational theory Denotatum Dental Derivation Designated terminal element Destressing Determiner Diacritic Diacritic feature Dialogue system Dichotic listening Diminutive Diotic Diphone Diphthong Diphthongization Discontinuous affix Discontinuous constituent Disjoint reference Disjunction Disjunctive ordering Dispersion Distributive predicate Domain Domain of discourse Dominance Dominate Donkey anaphora Dorsal Double object construction Doubly-filled COMP Filter Downstep Downward monotonicity DP Dual Durative aspect Dvanda compound Dynamic time warping Echo question ECM ECP Egressive Ejective Electroglottography Electrolaryngography Electropalatography Elision Empty Category Empty Category Principle Empty operator Enclitic End rule Endocentric compound Energy Epenthesis Epiglottis Epistemic modal Epithet EPP EPP-feature Equi NP deletion Equivalence ERB ERB scale Ergative pattern Ergative verb Escape hatch Esophageal speech EST Event Event time Exceptional Case Marking Exclude Exclusion Existence Existential interpretation Existential quantifier Existential sentence Exocentric Compound Experiencer Experiencer verb Expletive Extended Level Ordering Hypothesis Extended Projection Principle Extended Standard Theory Extension Extension requirement Extension vowel Extension, verbal Extensional adjective External argument External negation External theta-role Extraction-site Extrametrical Extraposed Extraposition Extrinsic allophone Factive predicate False vocal folds Falsetto Fatigue Feature Feature analysis Feature checking Feature matrix Feature Percolation Feature Percolation Conventions Feedback Feet Felicity condition Fewest Steps Filter Filter slope Final lengthening First Order Projection Condition First Sister Principle Fixed-context assumption Flap Floating quantifier Focus Foot FOPC Formant Formant bandwidth Formant filter Formant synthesis Formant track Formant transition Formula Fourier theorem Free Free morpheme Free relative Free variable Frequency Frequency component Fricative Front-end Frozen Structure Constraint Fuckin' insertion Full Interpretation Function Chain Function composition Functional Projection Functional shif Functor Fundamental frequency Fusional morphology Gamma-marking Gapping Gating technique GB Gender Generalized Quantifier Generalized Quantifier Theory Generalized Transformation Generate Generative Semantics Generic interpretation Gerund Gestural score Gesture GF GF-theta Glide Global economy Glottal Glottal friction Glottal stop Glottis Glottograph Goal Govern Governing category Governing domain Government Governor GQT Gradable antonym Grammatical Function Grapheme-phoneme conversion Greed Grooved tongue GT H-and-H model Hamming window Haplology Harmonics Head Head Movement Head Movement Constraint Heavy-NP shift Hidden Markov Models High HMC HMM Homonymy Homorganic segment Host Hyoid Hyper-articulation Hyperonymy Hypo-articulation Hyponymy Hypostasis I-within-i condition Ideal Idiom Idiosyncrasy Iff Illocutionary act Illocutionary force Immediate dominance Immediate precedence Imperative Imperfective Implication Implicit transposition Implosive Improper movement Improperness Inalienable possession Inchoative Inclination Inclusion Inclusiveness condition Incorporation Indefinite article Index Indexicality Indirect context Indirect question Individual constant Individual term Individual variable Infinitivus pro Participio Infix INFL Inflection Ingressive Inherent case Inheritance Inhibition Insert alpha Intension Intensional adjectives Intensional context Intensional logic Intensity Interface Internal argument Internal domain Internal negation Internal theta-role Internalization International Phonetic Alphabet Interpretation Interpretation function Interpretative semantics Interpretive rules Intersective adjective Intonation Intonation grammar Intrinsic allophone Intrinsic characteristics IP IPA IPO method IPP IS A Condition Island Island Condition Isogloss Isolating language It-cleft Jitter JND Just Noticeable Difference Katz-Fodor-semantics Katz-Postal-principle L-feature L-marked L-marking L-related Labeled bracketing Labial Labialisation Labiodental Lambda-abstraction Lambda-operator Laminal Landing-site Laryngectomy Larynx Last Resort Lateral Latinate affix Lax Layered morphology LCS Left Branch Condition Left downward monotonicity Left monotone decreasing Left monotone increasing Left upward monotonicity Left-dislocation Leftness condition Lenition Level Level I/II affix Level Ordering Hypothesis Lexeme Lexical ambiguity Lexical array Lexical categories Lexical category Lexical category prominence Lexical component Lexical Conceptual Structure Lexical decomposition Lexical insertion Lexical integrity Lexical Morphology Lexical Phonology Lexical relatedness Lexical semantics Lexical subarray Lexical transformation Lexicalist Hypothesis Lexicalization Lexicon LF LF model Liaison Liar's paradox License Licensing Light verb Linear Predictive Coding Liquid Listeme Listing Live on property Loan word Local binding Local economy Localism Locality Locus Locutionary act Logic Logical constant Logical equivalence Logical form Logical implication Logical semantics Logical subject Logical truth Logogen model Logophoricity Look-ahead Look-ahead model Loop Low LPC M-command M-selection Macroparadigm Major categories Major category Malapropism Mapping Principle Masking Mass noun Mass term Material equivalence Material implication Max (A) Maximal chain Maximal onset principle McGurk effect Meaning Meaning opposition Meaning postulate Meaning theories Meaning theory Meaning-is-use-theory Melody tier Mentalistic theory Merge Merge-over-Move Meta language Meta-variable Metathesis Metrical phonology Metrical tree MGC Minimal domain Minimal free form Minimal Governing Category Minimal Link Condition Minimal residue Minimal sign Minimalist program Minimality MIT-Icelandic MLC Modal Modal logic Modal verb Model Model-theoretic semantics Modifier Modularity Modulation Monotone decreasing Monotone increasing Monotonicity Montague Grammar Mood Mora Morph Morpheme Morpheme Structure Condition Morpheme-based morphology Morphemic Tier Hypothesis Morpholexical rule Morphological component Morphological object Morphological Transformation Prohibition Motor theory Move alpha Movement Multiple questions Multiple wh-fronting Mutation Mutative N-bar deletion N-place predicate Name Narrow focus Narrow scope Narrowband Nasal Nasalization Nasalized Natural Morphology Necessary truth Negation Negative polarity item Negative strong Neutralization No Vacuous Application Principle No-Crossing Constraint No-Phrase Constraint Node Noise Nominalization Non-argument Non-argument position Non-configurational language Non-factive predicate Non-linear morphology Non-maximal chain Nonconcatenative morphology Nonreferential noun phrase Nonrestrictive relative clause Nonspecific reading Noun Noun Incorporation NP-movement NP-trace Nucleus Null affixation Null Case Null Morpheme Number Number-theoretic tree Numeration Nyquist frequency Object Object control verb Object language Oblique case Oblique context Obstruent Occlusive Octave Oddity discrimination Of-insertion Off-glide Off-line On-glide On-line One-affix-one-rule hypothesis One-place predicate Onset Opacity Condition Opaque context Open Quotient Open syllable Open time Operator Operator binding Oral Ordering hypothesis Organ of Corti Oscillogram Overgeneration Overlapping reference Overt syntax Overtone singing Overtones P-marker Palatal Palatalization Palate Paradigm Parafix Parallel morphology Parameter Parasitic gap Parasynthesis PARR Partial suppletion Participle Particle Partitive case Passive Passivization Path Path Containment Condition Patient Pattern Playback Peak Percolation Perfective Performative Performative hypothesis Periodic Peripherality condition Perlocutionary act Permanent lexicon Persevatory assimilation Persistence Perturbation Perturbation theory PF Pharyngeal Pharynx Phase Phase locking Phi-features Phonation Phoneme Phoneme restoration Phonetogram Phonetograph Phonological feature Phrasal affix Phrase Phrase marker Phrase structure Phrase structure rules Picture noun Pied piping Pied-piped Pitch Plane Plane Conflation Plosive Pluralia tantum Pole Polyfunctionality Polysemy Polysyllabic Polysynthetic language Portmanteau Positive Positive polarity item Positive strong Potential lexicon Power spectrum Pragmatic theory Precedence Predicate Predicate constant Predicate logic Predicate-argument structure Predication Predicative noun phrase Predicator Prefix Preposition Incorporation Preposition stranding Prevoicing Primary compound Priming Principles and Parameters framework PRO Pro-drop Process Process nominal Proclitic Procrastinate Productivity Progressive aspect Progressive assimilation Projection Projection Principle Promote Promotion Pronominal Pronoun Pronoun of laziness Proper government Properly governed Properness Propositional attitude Propositional formula Propositional Island Condition Propositional letters Propositional logic Proprioceptive feedback Prosody Pruning Pseudo-cleft Pseudo-compound Pseudo-passive PSOLA Psych-movement Psych-verb Pulse train QR Quantal theory of speech Quantificational noun phrase Quantifier Quantifier Raising Quantifier-float Quantisation noise Quasi-argument R-colouring R-expression Raising to object Raising to subject Re-write rules REA Reading Readjustment rule Reanalysis Reciprocal Reconstruction Recoverability of deletion Recursion Redundancy Redundancy rule Reduplication Reference Reference time Referential expression Referential index Referential noun phrase Referential opacity Referential use Reflexive Register Reiterant speech Relatedness paradox Relative clause Relative pronoun Relativization Relativized head Relativized Righthand Head Rule Remnant Remnant Extraposition Remnant Topicalization Residue Residue pitch Restricted quantifier Restrictive relative clause Restructuring Result nominal Resultative Resumptive pronoun Retroflex Reverberation Rhotacisation RHR Rhyme Right downward monotonicity Right Ear Advantage Right monotonicity Right Node Raising Right Roof Constraint Right upward monotonicity Righthand Head Rule Rightward movement Rigid designator Rise time RMS amplitude Roll-off Root Root clause Root compound Root modal Root-and-pattern morphology Round Rule feature Rule of referral S-bar deletion S-dominate S-selection S-structure SAMPA Sandhi Schwa Schwa insertion Scope Scope ambiguity Scrambling Secondary articulation Segment Segmentation Selection Selectional restrictions Self-dual Semantic Coherence Semantic component Semantic compositionality Semantic interpretation Semantic reference Semantic representation Semantic role Semitone Semitone scale Semivowels Sense Sentential Subject Constraint Separation Hypothesis Shape Component Shape Condition Shimmer Shortest Link Shortest Move Shortlist model Sibilancy Sibilant Sieve Signal-to-noise ratio Signifiant Signification Signifié Silent interval Simple determiner Singula Sister Sisterhood Condition Slit tongue Sloppy identity Sluicing Small Clause Soft palate Sole Argument Generalization Sonagram Sonorant Sonority Sonority hierarchy Source Source-filter theory Speaker's reference Specific reading Specificity Condition Specified Subject Condition Specifier Specifier-Head agreement Spectral envelope Spectral slope Spectrogram Spectrum Speech act Speech error Speech rate Speech synthesis Speech time Speechreading Spell-out Spirantisation Split antecedent Split-Morphology Hypothesis Spoonerism SSC ST Staffeiri speech Stage Standard theory State Steady state Stem Stop Stranding Stratum Stray adjunction Strength Stress Stress lowering convention Stress neutral affix Stress shifting affixes Stress subordination principle Stress-timed Strict c-command Strict Cyclicity Strict subcategorization Stridency Strident Strong crossover Strong feature Strong Lexicalist Hypothesis Strong noun phrase Strong verb Structural ambiguity Structural case Structure preservation Structure-building rule Structure-changing rule Structure-preserving Constraint Subcategorization Subcategorization frame Subcategorization insertion Subjacency Subject Subject Condition Subject control verb Subject Raising Subject Restriction Subjunctive Sublabel Substitution Substitution salva veritate Subtractive morphology Suffix Suicidal Greed Super raising Superiority Superiority condition Superlative Suppletion Suprasegmentals Surface structure Svarabakthi Syllabary Syllabic Syllabification Syllable Syllable weight Syllable-timed Syncope Syncretism Synonymy Syntactic atom Synthesis-by-rules Synthetic compound Synthetic truth T-model Table of coreference Tactile feedback Talking machines Tap Tarski's truth definition Tautology Tautosyllabic TC Telicity Template Template morphology Temporal organisation Tense Tensed-S Condition Terminal node Terminative aspect Text-to-Speech That-trace effect Thematic relations Thematic role Thematic structure Thematic theory Thematic tier Theme Theme vowel There-insertion Theta Criterion Theta identification Theta-absorption Theta-bar position Theta-government Theta-grid Theta-marking Theta-position Theta-role Theta-role assignment Theta-theory Third Construction Though-movement Threshold Thyroid Tier Tier Conflation Tilt Timbre Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon ToBI ToDI Tone Tone height Tone language Tone stability Top-down Topic Topic-comment-distinction Topicalization Total suppletion Tough-movement Trace TRACE model Trace theory Trachea Tract variables Transcription Transfer Transformation Transformational rule Transients Transition Transitive verb Transparent context Transposition Tree Tree of numbers Tree structure Trill Truncation Truth Truth condition Truth functional connective Truth table Truth value TSC TTS Two-place predicate Type logic Umlaut Unaccusative verb Unary connective Underspecification Unergative verb Uniformity Principle Uniqueness Unitary Base Hypothesis Universal quantifier Universe of discourse Upward monotonicity Uvula Uvular Vacuous Movement Hypothesis Vacuous quantification Vagueness Valency Valency-changing operation Valuation Variable Variety Velar Velarization Velum Vendler classes Ventricular folds Venturi effect Verb cluster Verb movement Verb raising Verb second Verbal Compound Verbal noun Vibrato Visibility condition Vocal cords Vocal folds Vocal fry Vocal tract Vocoder Voice bar Voice disorders Voice Onset Time Voice quality Voiced Voiceless Voiceprint Von Kempelen talking machine VOT Vowel Vowel harmony Vowel quality Vowel reduction Vowel space VP Preposing VP Raising VP-adjunction Wackernagel's law Wanna-contraction Weak Weak crossover Weak feature Weak Lexicalist Hypothesis Weak noun phrase Weather-verb Well-Formedness Condition WFC WFR Wh-in-situ Wh-island Wh-movement Wh-phrase Wh-question Wh-trace Whisper triangle Whispering Wide scope Wideband Window model Windowing Wizard of Oz Word Word boundary Word form Word formation Word Formation Rule Word Structure Autonomy Condition Word Syntax Word-based morphology X-bar schema X-bar theory Yes-no question Zero affixation Zero crossing Zero morphemes Words List IndexFrom Linguistics to HOME PAGE |