Musical Vibrations
Making Sound Travel through a Tube

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Musical Vibrations

In the centre of a plastic cup, insert a pushpin.

Then take an old record. Place it on a turntable and put the switch on. When it is going round, place the needle in the groove of the record, by holding the cup on the top of the record. You will feel the vibrations of the needle as it moves along the groove.

Making Sound Travel through a Tube

It is easy to observe how sound travels through a tube. Take a rubber tube of say eight meters length. On both ends you connect a funnel each. Now switch on a transister radio and put it on low volume. Place one of the funnels on the speaker of the radio and give the other one to a friend who stands at about eight meters distance far away from the each of the radio's sound. Let him place the mouth of the funnel on his ears. He will be able to hear the sounds from the radio.
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