Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense :

Present Continuous Tense is used to express an action going on at the time of speaking.

Examples :

She is reading a novel.

I am preparing for IAS.

My daughter is preparing for IIT.

He is trying his best.

The teachers are teaching well.

They are traveling to Bangalore.

She is going to be married next month.

My uncle is going to Chennai next day.

My brother is coming from London next Friday.

I am going to see him this evening.

He is working in the garden now.

My father is reading newspaper still.

My children are playing games at this moment.

The boys are watching a cricket match in the STAR Channel.

They are playing foot-ball match at the school stadium.

We are coming there only.

Related Links :

  • Present Continuous Tense
  • Keywords to indicate the presence of Present Continuous Tense
  • Where to use Present Continuous Tense?
  • Sentences in Present Continuous Tense

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