Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense :

This tense is used to indicate actions completed in the immediate past but the effect of the actions are still there.

We have written a letter to the Chief.

They have brought the matter to our attention.

He has bought a new car.

She has joined Harvard.

It has come along way.

You have enrolled in IIT.

We have enjoyed a lot today morning.

You have sung a song.

They have typed many such letters.

This letter has come from the Chief.

English has become international language.

TOEFL has become must for entry into USA Universities.

Vegetables have stored all the proteins.

The Sun has just set in the west.

The TV Channel has reported this matter.

Related Links :

  • Present Perfect Tense
  • Keywords to indicate the presence of Present Perfect Tense
  • Where to use Present Perfect Tense?
  • Sentences in Present Perfect Tense

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