Difficult Words :

Rustic and Ruminate

Difficult Words : Rustic and Ruminate

Ruminate (ROO muh NATE) v: to contemplate, to ponder, to mull over

Ruminate comes from a Latin word meaning to chew cud. Cows, sheep and other cud-chewing animals are called ruminants. To ruminate is to quietly chew on or ponder your own thoughts.

The teacher's comment about the causes of weather set me to ruminate about what a nice day it was and to wishing that I were outside.

The very old man spent his last days ruminating about death and eating box after boxes of vanilla wafers.

An act of ruminating is called rumination.

Serge was a very private man. He kept his ruminations to himself.

Rustic (RUS tik) adj: rural, lacking urban comforts or sophistication, primitive

Life in the log cabin was too rustic for Leah. She missed hot showers, cold beer and electricity.

Rustic can be used as a noun. A rustic is an unsophisticated person from the country.

We enjoyed the rustic scenery as we traveled through the countryside.

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