Sentence Correction


The supply of oil being finite has become an economical and political consideration of the first magnitude for all modern industrial nations.

(A) The supply of oil being finite has become an economical

(B) The finite supply of oil has become an economical

(C) That the supply of oil is finite has become an economical

(D) The supply of oil being finite has become an economical

(E) That the supply of oil is finite has become an economic


The error in this question lies in the use of wrong word. The adjectives for the words ‘economics’ and ‘political’ are ‘economic’ and ‘political’. While the second of these is used correctly, the wrong word ‘economical’ is used as the adjective of ‘economics’. (Economical means thrifty). SO, (A) is wrong.

From the cursory look at the answer choices, (B) and (C) can be eliminated because they also have the same wrong word.

The phrase ‘The supply of oil being finite’ in (D) is an awkward construction, and must be replaced by ‘The finiteness of the supply of oil’ to render it correct. So, (D) is also not the answer.

(E) completes a clear, unambiguous and grammatical sentence, and is the answer.

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