Spelling Variations between American Spelling and British Spelling

Spelling Variations between American Spelling and British Spelling :

The Internet is a worldwide medium, and to our pleasure, surfers from around the globe access our pages daily. Often, they find the same word is spelled differently throughout this site. The same word can even be spelled differently on the same page! Some users become upset about our spelling. They ask us why we spell the words on our pages the way we do.

Our answer is this. When preparing entries for our pages, we use the spelling of words that each individual contributor uses. That's because people spell the same word differently in different parts of the world. We do hope you find this a reasonable explanation. We do not intend to offend anyone's sensibilities over this point.

When this page was originally published, it contained about 200 words. Most of the words were about work and organizations. Over time, our spelling word list has been expanded to include words from many sources. People refer to our word list to help themselves with spelling difficulties of all kinds, not just labour related word problems.

Below, we present a list of spelling variations that appear in the English language. There are over 450 entries in this listing. Looking at the pairs of words will you give an idea of the same word spellings in use. Other sites present web pages that contain a list of rules, variants, exceptions and the like to help writers to remember how to spell a particular word. Other pages provide guidelines about how to spell in an American style and how to spell in a British style. This list is simply a column of word pairs and we've found it easier just to look up the spelling variations.

                                AMERICAN           BRITISH
                                fairy tale         fairy-tale
                                fantasize          fantasise
                                favor              favour
                                favorite           favourite
                                favoritism         favouritism
                                fecal              faecal
                                fertilization      fertilisation
                                fertilizing        fertilising
                                fertlizer          fertiliser
                                fervor             fervour
                                fetus              foetus
                                fiber              fibre
                                fiberglass         fibreglass
                                fibers             fibres
                                flavor             flavour
                                flavoring          flavouring
                                fledgling          fledgeling
                                flower girl        flower-girl
                                flower pot         flower-pot
                                fluidized          fluidised
                                fluidizing         fluidising
                                font               fount
                                forward            forwards
                                fresh water        freshwater
                                fulfill            fulfil
                                fulfillment        fulfilment
                                furor              furore

Of course, we might have completely ommitted few other words. We do appreciate notification of those words. Thank you for your interest.

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