Frequently Used Spoken Words

Simple Sentences Index

Frequently Used Spoken Words : SET - 3

  1. Douse the fire.

  2. Best one

  3. Good colour

  4. Good cook

  5. My knowledge

  6. Good friend

  7. New room mate

  8. Nice guys

  9. Not too bad

  10. Oh! I see.

  11. My goodness

  12. Good idea.

  13. Good point

  14. Good man

  15. Best work

  16. Fine

  17. Very well

  18. Well

  19. Very nice

  20. Excellent!

  21. Well done

  22. Well finished

  23. Well!

  24. Good collection

  25. Good selection

  26. Wear saree.

  27. Good start

  28. Especially

  29. First priority

  30. Absolutely right

  31. All right

  32. Exactly

  33. Ok, I will do

  34. Okay

  35. Right

  36. Please

  37. Please explain

  38. Please improve

  39. Yes, certainly

  40. Yes, definitely

  41. Yes, of course

  42. You're right

  43. Anything to drink

  44. Don't drink.

  45. Heat the water.

  46. Mix the water.

  47. Confident

  48. Believe me.

  49. I hope.

  50. Any idea

  51. Any thing to say?

  52. Anything else

  53. Tell me

  54. As if…

  55. As usual

  56. Usually

  57. Be alert.

  58. Be cautious

  59. Beware!

  60. I'm so sorry.

Frequently Used Spoken Words Set No. :

1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10

Simple Sentences Index

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