Infant and Toddler

Infant and Toddler : What is the difference between these two words?

The word infant comes from the Latin in – fans meaning unable to speak. So technically an infant is a child that has not learned to speak as yet. For many native speakers, infant is a formal word for baby. Some school airs argue it is an impersonal or a medical term for baby.

A newborn baby or a very young child can be called an infant. In American English the word is normally used to refer to baby, especially a very young one. In British English, children as old as 7 are called infants.

In England, children between the ages of 4 and 7 go to infant schools. According to British law, anyone under the age of 18 is an infant.

There is less confusion about the word toddler. He is someone who toddles. In other words, he is someone who is just beginning to walk. He takes small, unsteady steps.

COURTESY : The Hindu (The National News-Paper) - India

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