What is the difference between Career and Carrier?

What is the difference between Career and Carrier? :

Career : (noun)

1 ) Profession or occupation with opportunities for advancement or promotion

She chose an academic career.

2 ) Progress through life

Do you look back on your successful career?

3 ) Quick or violent forward movement

He ran in full career.

Career : (verb)

1 ) Move about quickly and often dangerously

He was careering down the road on a bicycle.

The car careered off the road into a ditch.

Carrier : (noun)

1 ) Person or thing that carries something

2 ) Person or company that carries goods or people for payment

Your carrier for this flight is Air India.

3 ) Framework fixed to a bicycle, etc…for carrying luggage or a person or child

This bicycle has a strong carrier.

4 ) Person or animal that can transmit a disease to others without suffering from it

Mosquitoes are carriers of Malaria.

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