What is the difference between Sag and Sage?

What is the difference between Sag and Sage? :

Sag : (verb)

1 ) Sink or curve down in the middle under weight or pressure

The tent began to sag as the canvas became wet.

2 ) Hang loosely and unevenly

Your skin starts to sag as you get older.

Sag : (noun)

1 ) Extent to which something sags


There is a sag in the seat of the chair.

Sage : (noun)

1 ) Very wise man

Rabindranath Tagore was a sage.

2 ) Plant with fragrant, grayish-green leaves used to flavor food

Do you use sage in cooking?

Sage : (adjective)

1 ) Wise or wise-looking

He is a sage judge.

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