What is the difference between Soar and Sore and Sour?

What is the difference between Soar and Sore and Sour? :

Soar : (verb)

1 ) Go up high in the air quickly

The jet soared into the air.

2 ) Rise rapidly

Prices are soaring.

Sore : (adjective)

1 ) Aching, tender and painful

Hurting when touched or used

He has a sore throat.

My leg is still very sore.

2 ) Irritated

Hurt and angry

I feel sore about not being invited to dinner.

She is still sore at me.

3 ) Serious


They are in sore need of financial help.

Sour : (adjective)

1 ) Having a sharp taste (like that of a lemon, etc…)

This apple is really sour.

2 ) Tasting or smelling sharp and unpleasant

Not fresh

The milk has turned sour.

3 ) Having or showing a bad temper

He is a sour and disillusioned man.

What a sour face she has?

Sour : (verb)

1 ) Cause someone / something to become sour

The hot weather soured the milk.

The old man has been soured by abject poverty.

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