dyn,dyna,dynam, & dynamoThese ROOT-WORDS are the Prefixes DYN & DYNAMO which mean POWER. It is really a DYNamo of a word. Wherever you see it there is POWER. Take a special minute for No. 13. It is one of the most wonderful words as an example for word building. 1. Dyne : DYN e (dine) n. A unit of force 2. Dynagraph : DYNA graph (die’ na graf) n. Apparatus for recording the condition of a line of track 3. Dynameter : DYNA meter (die name’ e ter) n. Instrument for determining a telescope’s magnifying power 4. Dynamotor : DYNA motor (die’ na mote or) m. A special kind of electric generator 5. Dynamic : DYNAM ic (die nam’ ik) adj. Forceful; powerful 6. Dynamism : DYNAM ic (die nam’ ik) adj. Forceful; powerful 7. Dynamist : DYNAM ist (die’ na mist) n. One who believes in dynamism 8. Dynamistic : DYNAM istic (die na mist’ ik) adj. Of or relating to dynamism 9. Dynamite : DYNAM ite (die’ na mite) n. An explosive 10. Dynamitic : DYNAM itic (die na mit’ ik) adj. Like dynamite; having explosive force 11. Dynamo : DYNAMO (die’ na moe) n. A machine for converting mechanical energy to electrical energy 12. Dynamoelectric : DYNAMO electric(die’ na moe e lek’ trik) adj. Relating to the conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy 13. Dynamogenesis : DYN amogenesis (die’ am o jen’ e sis) n. The production of power 14. Dynamometry : DYNAMO metry (die na mom’ e tree) n. The process of measuring forces doing work 15. Dynamis : DYNAM is (die’ na mis) n. The potential of power not yet realized 16. Dynamiter : DYNAM iter (die’ na mite er) n. One who uses dynamite 17. Dynast : DYN ast (die’ nast) n. An especially powerful ruler 18. Dynasty : DYN asty (die’ na stee) n. An especially powerful line of kings Etymology Index PageFrom dyn,dyna,dynam, & dynamo to HOME PAGE | ||||||||