housewife, housekeeper & housesitter

What is the difference between a "housewife", "housekeeper" and "house sitter"?

A "housewife" is a married woman who looks after her house. She does not have a job outside the house; she is not employed by anybody else. She spends all her time running the house. Cooking, cleaning, shopping and looking after the kids and the husband.

A "housekeeper", on the other hand, is someone who is hired to look after someone else's house. The housekeeper is usually responsible for the cooking and the cleaning of the house. She may or not stay with the owners.

* Raji said that she couldn't afford a housekeeper.

A "house sitter" is also someone who is hired. In this case, the individual is hired to look after the house while the owners are away. For example, if you and your family decide to take a vacation, but are scared that someone may break into your house, you may decide to hire a house sitter. It is his/her job to take care of the house while you are away. Just like you have "babysitters", you now have "house sitters". These people stay inside the house; they are not like the watchman whom you post outside for security.

• Hashish is a reliable house sitter. You can call him.

COURTESY : The Hindu (The National News-Paper) - India

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