
ROOT-WORD is the Prefix HYPER meaning OVER, ABOVE & EXCESSIVE. The use of this Prefix is best shown in the figure of speech - HYPERbole (No. 4), exaggeration. We are very quick to use HYPER the minute a person criticizes more than we like, is too easily irritated, or is too sensitive.

1. Hyperacusia : HYPER acusia (hie per a kue’ zhi a) n.

Abnormally acute hearing

2. Hyperalgesia : HYPER algesia (hie per al jee’ zi a) n.

Excessive sensitivity to pain

3. Hyperaphia : HYPER aphia (hie per ay’ fi a) n.

Abnormally sensitive sense of touch

4. Hyperbole : HYPER bole (hie per’ bo lee) n.

A figure of speech; exaggeration

5. Hyperbolize : HYPER bolize (hie per’ bo lize) v.

To state, speak, or write to a hyperbolic degree

6. Hypercritical : HYPER critical (hie per krit’ i kal) adj.

Too demanding; finding too much to criticize

7. Hyperdiapason : HYPER diapason (hie per die a pay’ zon) n.

An octave that is measured upward

8. Hyperion : HYPER ion (hie per’ ee on) n.

A Greek god, identified with Apollo, the ideal of manly character and beauty

9. Hyperdimensional: HYPER dimensional (hie per di men’ shun al) adj.

Relating to the space of more than three dimensions

10. Hyperirritability: HYPER irritabiligy (hie pe rir a bil’ it ee) n.

Excessive irritability

11. Hyperkinesis : HYPER kinesis (hie per ki nee’ sis) n.

Abnormal muscular movement

12. Hypermeter : HYPER meter (hie per’ met er) n.

Verse which exceeds the common measure

13. Hyperodontogency: HYPER odontogeny (hie per o don toj’ e ni) n.

An abnormal number of teeth

14. Hypernephroma : HYPER nephroma (hie per nef roe’ ma) n.

A tumor of the kidneys

15. Hyperosmia : HYPER osmia (hie per oz’ mi a) n.

Excessive acuteness of the sense of smell

16. Hyperostosis : HYPER ostosis (hie pe ros toe’ sis) n.

Marked thickening of bony tissue

17. Hypersensitive : HYPER sensitive (hie per sen’ sit iv) adj.

Too sensitive

18. Hypervitaminosis: HYPER vitaminosis (hie per vite a mi noe’ sis) n.

Condition resulting from excessive use of vitamins

19. Hyperpnea : HYPER pnea (hie per nee’ a) n.

Too rapid breathing

20. Hyperhidrosis : HYPER hid ro sis (hie per hidro sis)

Disease of excessive sweating

21. Hyperopia : HYPER opia (hie per o pia)

Long sightedness

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