These ROOT-WORDS are MONSTR, MONSTRI & MUST which come from the Latin verb monstrare which means TO SHOW. Eventually the SHOWING began to be associated with the dreadful, the monstrous and the monster.
1. Monster : MONS ter (mon’ ster) n.
A malformed creature
2. Monstrous : MONSTR ous (mon’ strus) adj.
Having the qualities of a monster; unnatural
3. Monstrosity : MONSTR osity (mon stros’ it ee) n.
A malformation; freak
4. Monstrify : MONSTRI fy (mons’ trk fie) v.
To make into a monster; disfigure
5. Monstrification : MONSTRI fication(mons tri fi kay’ shun) n.
The act of turning into a monster
6. Monstriferous : MONSTRI ferious (mon stri’ fer us) adj.
Bearing monsters
7. Muster : MUST er (mus’ ter) v.
To gather together; collect put on display
8. Remonstrance : re MONSTR ance (re mon’ strans) n.
Protest; expostulation
9. Musterer : MUST erer (mus’ ter er) n.
The one who gathers all together for display
10. Remonstration : re MONSTR action (re mon stray’ shun) n.
Expostulation; opposition
11. Undemonstrative : unde MONSTR ativ(un de mon’ strat iv) adj.
Not showing affection
12. Demonstrate : de MONSTR ate (dem’ on strate) v.
To display; show
13. Demonstrator : de MONSTR ator (dem’ on strate or) n.
One who displays; exhibits
14. Demonstration : de MONSTR ation (dem on stray’ shun) n.
A display; an exhibition
15. Demonstrational : de MONSTR ational adj.
Relating to a demonstration
16. Remonstrate : re MONSTR ate (re mon’ strate) v.
To protest; reprove; find fault
17. Demonstrative : de MONSTR ative (de mon’ strat iv) adj.
Showing to be real; showing affection
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