
This ROOT-WORD is NOV which means NEW. It comes from the Latin nova, novus & novare all meaning NEW. An interesting phenomenon is the nova, No.1. A nova is usually too faint to be seen with the naked eye, but it may suddenly burst out into tremendous light, ten thousand times its usual brightness. It may stay that way for a day or two, then fade again to its former faint light. Astronomers don’t know why they act like that. Some novae (plural) have repeated outbursts, some only one.

1. Nova : NOV a (no’ va) n.

A star which suddenly increases in light

2. Novalia : NOV alia (no vay’ li a) n.

Newly plowed fields

3. Novanglian : NOV anglian (no van gli’ an) n.

A New Englander

4. Novantique : NOV antique (no van teke’) adj.

New, yet old

5. Nova Scotian : NOV a Scotian (no va skoe’ shan) adj.

A native of Nova Scotia

6. Novation : NOV ation (no vay’ shun) n.

State of being renewed; the assumption of a new legal obligation for an old one

7. Novative : NOV ative (no vay’ tiv) adj.

Of the nature of a renewal

8. Novator : NOV ator (no vay’ tor) n.

One who renews or innovates

9. Novatrix : NOV atrix (no vay’ triks) n.

A female innovator

10. Innovate : in NOV ate (in’ nov ate) v.

To bring in something new

11. Novel : NOV el (nov’ el) adj.

New; strange; not formerly known

12. Novel : NOV el (nov’ el) n.

A story of book length; a work of fiction

13. Novella : NOV ella (no vel’ a) n.

A shorter book; a short work of fiction

14. Novelette : NOV elette (nov e let) n.

A long story

15. Novelist : NOV elist (not’ e list) n.

One who writes a novel; the author

16. Novelistic : NOV elastic (nov e lis’ tik) adj.

Relating to the characteristics of a novel

17. Novelty : NOV elty (nov’ el tee) n.

Something new, unusual

18. Nouveau riche : (nue vo reesh’) n.

One who has suddenly become very rich

19. Novice : NOV ice (nov’ is) n.

One who is new at an enterprise

20. Renovate : re NOV ate (ren’ o vate) v.

To make like new again

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