This ROOT-WORD is the Suffix OLOGY which means STUDY OF, SCIENCE OF & THEORY OF. OLOGY is a compound Suffix: it is a combination of O which means OF and LOGY which means STUDY, SCIENCE & THEORY. If you wish to add to you OLOGY you will have no trouble in doing so. There seems to be an endless list of them. I doubt whether there is a single individual in the world who cannot find an OLOGY that relates to his interests.
1. Embryology : embry OLOGY (em bree ol’ o jee) n.
The study of the organism in the early stage of development
2. Bacteriology : bacteri OLOGY (bak ter ee ol’ o jee) n.
The study of bacteria, microbes, germs
3. Biology : bi OLOGY (bie ol’ o jee) n.
The study of living creatures
4. Anthropology : Anthrop OLOGY (an thro pol’ o jee) n.
The study of the development of man
5. Climatology : Climat OLOGY (klie ma tol’ o jee) n.
The study of climates
6. Criminology : Crimin OLOGY (krim i nol’ o jee) n.
The study of crime and its social implications
7. Demonology : demon OLOGY (dee mo nol’ o jee) n.
The study of demons and belief in them
8. Ethnology : ethn OLOGY (eth nol’ o jee) n.
The study of the races of mankind
9. Geology : ge OLOGY (jee ol’ o jee) n.
The study of the earth as recorded in rock formations
10. Gynecology : gynec OLOGY (jin e kol’ o jee) n.
The study of the diseases of women
11. Mineralogy : minera LOGY (min e ral’ o jee) n.
Study of minerals
12. Neurology : neur OLOGY (nu rol’ o jee) n.
The study of the nervous system
13. Ontology : ont OLOGY (on tol’ o jee) n.
The study of things existing and being
14. Paleontology : palent OLOGY (pay lee on tol’ o jee) n.
The study of life in past geological periods
15. Pathology : path OLOGY (pa thol’ o jee) n.
The science of disease
16. Pharmacology : pharmacy OLOGY (far ma kol’ o jee) n.
The study of drugs
17. Phiology : phil OLOGY (fi lol’ o jee) n.
The study of languages
18. Phrenology : phren OLOGY (fri nol’ o jee) n.
The study of the shape of the skull as indication of mental faculty
19. Psychology : psych OLOGY (sie kil’ o jee) n.
The study of the mind and its junctions
20. Theology : the OLOGY (thee ol’ o jee) n.
The study of religions and God
21. Chromatology : chrom ato LOGY (kroe ma tol’ o ji) n.
Science of colors
22. Osteology : osteo LOGY (os tee ol’ o jee) n.
Science which treats of the bones of vertebrates
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