Preparation for A Language Game and Nursery Rhymes

Preparation for A Language Game and Nursery Rhymes:

A language game should be preceded by the teaching and practicing of the required structures and vocabulary- the functional language needed for a smooth and fast- paced participation in a language game. Before the actual conduct of a game, the teacher must explain to the learners what they are expected to do, that is, the roles they are going to play and the functions they are going to perform, like asking for information, giving orders, inviting, refusing, accepting, agreeing, disagreeing, etc. It is important to emphasize that the fun in playing a game is dependent on their willingness to communicate with each other.

Instructions should not be long-winded or complicated. They should be clear and concise. The procedure as well as the rules (not too many) should be explained to the pupils in simple language. The teacher should invite questions from pupils to ensure comprehension of what has been explained to them. Language games at the primary level should be extremely simple. The language should include a limited number of structures and vocabulary items.

The teacher should start with highly contextualized drills in the form of questions and short responses, simple one word substitutions or fixed phrases. These prove to be highly effective in reinforcing the language learnt. With increased proficiency in language use along with greater confidence, tasks or activities can be set up in which the challenge (the level of difficulty) is greater and the language more open ended and less predictable. The duration of game at the primary level should not take more than 10 - 12 minutes.

GAME 1 : The objectives of the game are,,,

i) developing sound recognition
ii ) matching rhyming words
iii) asking simple questions

The teacher divides the class into two teams. She asks a question from each team . A point is given for a correct answer. The team with the largest number of points wins. The teacher thinks of a word and gives a clue to pupils like “I am thinking of something in this room which rhymes with where".

i. Pupils can answer in a single word, for example, hair, chair.

The teacher can reply : Yes, that’s right ( or ) No, that’s not right. Try again.

ii. Pupils ask, "Is it hair?"

Teacher replies, “No, it isn’t."

GAME 2 : The objectives of the game are…

i) matching words and pictures
ii) following instructions
iii) responding quickly

Teacher makes two or three teams, according to the number of pupils in the class. She draws pictures of a cat, a tree, an aeroplane, a clown, a flower, a pencil, a duck, a bus and a ball on the blackboard. She gives instructions “When I say ‘Touch the flower’, pupils from Team ‘A’ must touch the relevant picture on the blackboard". The instructions are repeated for other groups. If the team member touches the right image, then the team gets a point otherwise not. This game is challenging only if it is played quickly.

GAME 3 : The objectives of the game are…

i) developing aural-oral-visual recognition and matching items
ii) practicing short response

iii) promoting accuracy in listening comprehension and fluency in spoken expression.

Teacher draws pictures on the blackboard. These could be simple, easy-todraw stick figures or complete pictures. She points to the pictures one by one and says a sentence for each image. Then she asks pupils to repeat the sentences after her.

1. There is a pail in Jack’s hand.
2. There is a hat on Humpty Dumpty’s head.
3. There is a hen on a table.
4. There is a man in a tub.

The teacher asks questions and pupils provide short responses.

i. Teacher : There is a man in a tub. Which number picture is it?
Pupils (Team A) : Picture 4.
ii. Teacher : Is there a hen on a table in picture 3?
Pupils (Team A) : Yes, there is.
iii. Teacher : Someone is sitting on a wall. Which number picture is it?
Pupils (Team B) : Picture 2.
iv. Teacher : Is there a hen on Humpty’s head?
Pupils (Team B) : No, there isn’t.

If a pupil from a team cannot answer, the teacher quickly goes to the next team. The team that gives the maximum number of correct responses wins. Questions are to be asked quickly and answers have to be just as quick. This is to promote fluency in aural comprehension and spoken expression.

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