proThis ROOT-WORD is the Prefix PRO which means FORWARD & FORTH. It is a very simple ROOT-WORD to learn and most convenient to use. It opens doors to a variety of things from the PROfessional who is today called a PRO, all the way back to ancient days in Rome when the meanest work was done by the lowest class citizen called a PROletarian. 1. Proceed : PRO ceed (pro sede’) v. To go forward; advance 2. Procedure : PRO cedure (pro see’ jur) n. Method of going toward a goal 3. Proclaim : PRO claim (pro klame’) v. To bring before the public 4. Proclamation : PRO clamation (prok la may’ shun) n. A notice officially declared 5. Procure : PRO cure (pro kyur’) v. To get; to gain 6. Produce : PRO duce (pro kyur’) v. To lead forward; as, produce a play 7. Production : PRO duction (pro duk’ shun) n. The act of bringing forth 8. Profess : PRO fess (pro fes’) v. To take vows; to openly admit 9. Professor : PRO fessor (pro fes’ or) n. One who professes; a teacher of high rank in an institution of higher education 10. Profession : PRO fession (pro fesh’ un) n. Art or skill which is the result of study and experience 11. Progress : PRO gress (prog’ res) n. The act of going forward to a goal 12. Progressive : PRO gressive (pro gres’ iv) adj. Causing the going forward 13. Progression : PRO gression (pro gresh’ un) n. The orderly going forward 14. Project : PRO ject (pro jekt’) v. To throw forward; to create a plan 15. Proliferate : PRO liferate (pro lif’ e rate) v. To bring forth by rapid production 16. Prolific : PRO lific (pro lif’ ik) adj. Bringing forth young or fruit 17. Promote : PRO mote (pro mote’) v. To move forward; to advance in station 18. Prolix : PRO lix (pro liks’) adj. Drawn out; needlessly prolonged 19. Proficient : PRO ficient (pro fish’ ent) adj. Showing skill; adept 20. Profluent : PRO fluent (prof’ lue ent) adj. Flowing smoothly
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