ridi, risi & ri

These ROOT-WORDS are RIDI, RISI & RI meaning LAUGHTER. It comes from ridere & risus. The Romans were not, I’m afraid, a gay and happy people. Their ridi and risi were, for the most part, the laughter which mocks and hurts, not the laughter which heals and helps. The only words which are pleasant in laughter with this Root are RIant, RIantly, and RIancy. You may have heard the heartbreaking laughter of “Ridi, Pagliaccio . . . “Laugh, Clown, laugh . . ." in the opera.

1. Ridibund : RIDI bund (ri’ di bund) adj.

Tending to laughter

2. Ridicule : RIDI cule (rid’ i kyule) n.

Laughter at the expense of another; mockery

3. Ridicule : RIDI culd (rid’ i kyule) v.

To mock; as, to ridicule another

4. Ridiculer : RIDI culer (Rid’ i kyule er) n.

One who mocks another

5. Ridiculosity : RIDI culosity (ri dik yu los’ i ti) n.

The state of being ridiculous

6. Ridiculous : RIDI culous (ri dik; yu lus) adj.

Laughable; as, a ridiculous dress

7. Ridiculousness : RIDI culousness (ri dik’ yu lus nes) n.

Absurdity; inviting of mockery

8. Ridiculously : RIDI culously (ri dik’ yu lus lee) adv.

In a manner which invites ridicule

9. Riant : RI ant (rie’ ant) adj.

Smiling; gay; laughing

10. Risible : RISI ble (riz i bil’ it ee) n.

The quality of being able to laugh; a sense of humor

11. Risibility : RISI bility (riz i bil’ it ee) n.

The quality of being able to laugh; a sense of humor

12. Riantly : RI antly (rie’ ant ly)adv.

Laughingly; gaily

13. Derision : de RIS ion (de rizh’ un) n.

Mocking laughter

14. Risibles : RISI bles (ri zi b’lz) n.

Likely to laugh

15. Risibleness : RISI bleness (ri’ zi b’l nes) n.

A disposition toward laughter

16. Deride : de RID e (de ride’) v.

Make mock of; jeer at

17. Derisive : de RISI ve (de rie’ siv) adj.

Causing mocking laughter

18. Derisively : de RISI vely (de rie’ siv lee) adv.

Mockingly, as, he laughed derisively

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