
ROOT-WORD is the Suffix SHIP which means OFFICE, STATE, DIGNITY, SKILL, QUALITY and PROFESSION. You can add it to practically anything you wish to praise or honor as being skilled, dignified, on top in a profession, or expert.

1. Hardship : hard SHIP (hard’ ship) n.


2. Friendship : friend SHIP (frend’ ship) n.

Good personal relationships

3. Apprenticeship : apprentice SHIP (a prent’ is ship) n.

The time in a profession when one is learning his trade

4. Authorship : author SHIP (au’ thor ship) n.

The profession of writing

5. Horsemanship : horseman SHIP (hor’ sman ship) n.

Skill in handling horses

6. Marksmanship : marksman SHIP (mark’ sman ship) n.

Skill in hitting the mark

7. Scholarship : scholar SHIP (skol’ ar ship) n.

The qualities of an advanced student

8. Fellowship : fellow SHIP (fel’ o ship) n.

The quality of being companions

9. Courtship : court SHIP (kort’ ship) n.

The act of wooing

10. Lordship : lord SHIP (lord’ ship) n.

A title indicating the dignity of a peer

11. Ladyship : lady SHIP (lade’ ee ship) n.

A title indicating the dignity of a peeress

12. Championship : champion SHIP (cham’ pee on ship) n.

The office of a defender of rights

13. Citizenship : citizen SHIP (sit’ I zen ship) n.

The quality of membership in a community; the status of being a citizen

14. Chancellorship : chancellor SHIP (Chan’ se lor ship) n.

The officer of the head of a university

15. Professorship : professor SHIP (pro fes’ or ship) n.

The officer of a teacher

16. Dictatorship : dictator SHIP (dik tate’ or ship) n.

The office of the head of a totalitarian state

17. Craftsmanship : craftsman SHIP (kraft’ sman ship) n.

High quality of skill in a craft

18. Sportsmanship : sportsman SHIP (sport; sman ship) n.

Skill in the world of sports

19. Shipman ship : shipman SHIP (ship’ man ship) n.

Science of navigation; seamanship

20. Showmanship : showman SHIP (sho’ man ship) n.

Skill in display

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