sign & signi
These ROOT-WORDS are SIGN & SIGNI which come from the Latin signum which means SIGN, MARK & SEAL. It leads to one of the most important, most personal matters which concerns the human being - his SIGNature. It is so important, so SIGNIficant, even more than the person himself without the signature. The bank will not pay you on your face, but it will pay on your SIGNature.
1. Sign : SIGN (sine) v.
To affix a mark, or a seal, or a name; as, sign a will
2. Signable : SIGN able (sine’ a b’l) adj.
Can be signed
3. Signal : SIGN al (sig’ nal) n.
A gesture to call attention
4. Signaler : SIGN aler (sig’ nal) n.
One who signals
5. Signalist : SIGN alist (sig’ nal ist) n.
A signaler
6. Signalize : SIGN alize (sig’ nal ize) v.
To markl; to make known; to point out
7. Signate : SIGN ate (sig’ nate) adj.
Pointed out; distinguished; designated
8. Signation : SIGN ation (sig nay’ shun) n.
Act of signing
9. Singatory : SIGN atory (sig’ na tore ee) n.
One who signs with another in a joint agreement; as, signatory to a peace pact
10. Signature : SIGN ature (sig’ na chur) n.
The name of a person written in his own handwriting
11. Signet : SIGN et (sig’ net) n.
Sign or seal expressing authority; a signet ring
12. Signify : SIGN ify (sig’ nif fie) n.
To show; to make evident; as, signify agreement
13. Significant : SIGN ificant (sig nif’ i kant) adj.
Showing full importance; expressive
14. Significance : SIGN ificance (sig nif’ i kans) n.
Value; importance
15. Insignificant : in SIGN ificant (in sig nif’ i kant) adj.
Having no importance
16. Significantly : SIGN ificantly (sig nif’ i kant lee) adv.
17. Design : de SIGN (de zine’) n.
A plan of something to be done; intention
18. Designation : de SIGN ation (dez ig nay’ shun) n.
Selection; appointment for an aim
19. Designated : design ated (dez’ ig na ted) adj.
Selected; as, for high honors
20. Insignia : in SIGN ia (in sig’ nee a) n.
Distinguishing marks; as, insignia of authority
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