simil &simul

ROOT-WORDS are SIMIL & SIMUL which comes from the Latin meaning LIKE & RESEMBLING. The second meaning SIMUL has a fine meaning in the words so far. But beginning with No. 11 SIMUL suggests deception. It is no longer honest and sincere. The meaning assumes a tricky, artificial look.

1. Similar : SIMIL ar (sim’ i lar) adj.

Resembling in many respects

2. Similarity : SIMIL arity (sim i lar’ it ee) n.

Resemblance; as, similarity in views

3. Similative : SIMIL ative (sim’ i lay tiv) adj.

Indicating a likeness

4. Simile : SIMIL e (sim’ I le) n.

A figure of speech that compares two things that are unlike

5. Similitude : SIMIL itude (si mil’ i tude) n.


6. Similitudenize : SIMIL itudenize (si mil i tue’ de nize) v.

To make resemblances

7. Similize : SIMIL ize (sim’ i lize) v.

To compare; to copy

8. Similor : SIMIL or (sim’ i lor) n.

An alloy resembling gold in color

9. Simultaneous : SIMUL taneous (sie mul tay’ nee us) adj.

Happening at the same time

10. Simultaneously : SIMUL taneously (sie mul tay’ ne us lee) adv.

Happening concurrently

11. Simulate : SIMUL ate (sim’ yu late) v.

Pretend; put on an act to make a certain impression

12. Simulacrum : SIMUL acrum (sim yu lak’ rum) n.

An image; a likeness of an image

13. Simulacral : SIMUL acral (sim yu lay’ kral) adj.

Resembling a simulacrum

14. Simulator : SIMUL ator (sim’ yu late or) n.

One who simulates

15. Simulation : SIMUL ation (sim yu lay’ shun) n.

Pretence; counterfeit display

16. Simulatory : SIMUL atory (sim’ yu la to ri) adj.

Pretending; putting up a show

17. Simulative : SIMUL ative (sim’ yu lay tiv) adj.

Showing a tendency to simulation

18. Simulant : SIMUL ant (sim’ yu lant) n.

One who puts on an act

19. Dissimilar : dis SIMIL ar (dis im’ I lar) adj.

Not showing any resemblance

20. Assimilate : as SIMIL ate (a sim’ i late) v.

To make similar to; as, assimilate the d in ad with the l of lege to form allege

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