super, supra & supr

ROOT-WORDS are the Prefixes SUPER & SUPR meaning OVER, ABOVE, BEYOND & GREATER IN QUALITY. SUPR indicates the SUPERlative. There you are, on your way to having a SUPER vocabulary!

1. Superable : SUPER able (sue’ pe ra b’l) adj.

Can be overcome; conquerable

2. Superabundant : SUPER abundant (sue pe ran bun’ dant) adj.

Above the needed amount; excessive

3. Supercilious : SUPER cilious (sue per sil’ ee us) adj.

Over-bearing; proud; haughty

4. Superfine : SUPER fine (Sue per fine’) adj.

Of an exceptional quality

5. Superfluent : SUPER fluent (sue per; flue ent) adj.

Flowing freely, richly

6. Superintendent : SUPER intendent (sue per rin ten’ dent) n.

One in charge; overseer

7. Superlunary : SUPER human (sue per lue’ na ree) adj.

In a position above the moon

8. Superhuman : SUPER human (sue per hyu’ man) adj.

Having powers beyond mankind

9. Superman : SUPER man (sue’ per man) n.

A man with extraordinary powers

10. Superiority : SUPER iority (su per ee or’ it ee) n.

Excellence; preeminence

11. Supernatural : SUPER natural (sue per nach’ u ral) adj.

Above and beyond all nature

12. Superimpose : SUPER impose (sue pe rim poze’) v.

To place one thing over another

13. Supervise : SUPER vise (Sue’ per vize) v.

To oversee; to superintend

14. Superlative : SUPER lative (su per’ lat iv) adj.

In the highest degree; the best

15. Supralateral : SUPRA lateral (sue pra lat; er al) adj.

Placed high up on the side

16. Supraliminal : SUPRA liminal (sue pra lim’ in al) adj.

Lying above the threshold of consciousness

16. Supraliminal : SUPRA liminal (sue pra lim’ in al) adj.

Lying above the threshold of consciousness

17. Supreme : SUPR eme (su preme’) adj.


18. Supremely : SUPR emely (su preme’ lee) adv.

In the highest degree; as, supremely happy

19. Supremacy : SUPR emacy (su prem’ a see) n.

State of being supreme

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