This ROOT-WORD is the Root TRIB which comes from the Latin tribuere, to PAY & BESTOW. These two meanings seem to be contradictory, but both imply giving. To PAY tribute to a hero means to BESTOW honor on him. To PAY tribute to the conqueror means to BESTOW money on him. The two meanings come from the same root; to know which is being used you must read the text.
1. Tribute : TRIB ute (trib’ yute) n.
A fine paid to a conquering power
2. Tributary : TRIB utary (trib’ yu tar ee) n.
A stream of water which flows into a larger river
3. Attribute : at TRIB ute (a trib’ yute) v.
To regard as the cause of; blame for; ascribe to
4. Attribute : at TRIB ute (a’ tri byute) n.
A high quality; as, the attribute for which he is noted is honesty
5. Attributive : at TRIB utive (a trib’ yute ive) adj.
Ascribing a characteristic
6. Contribute : con TRIB ute (kon trib’ yute) v.
To give money to a cause, or give service
7. Contributory : con TRIB utory (kon trib’ yu tore ee) adj.
Giving to an endeavor; as, contributory labor
8. Contribution : con TRIB ution (kon tri byu’ shun) n.
An offering; a tax; a thing given to a cause
9. Contributional : con TRIB utional (kon tri byu’ shun al) adj.
Relating to a contribution
10. Contributorial : con TRIB utorial (kon trib us toe’ ri al) adj.
Of or relating to a contributor
11. Distribute : dis TRIB ute (dis trib’ yute) v.
To divide among many; to allot; to deal out
12. Distribution : dis TRIB ution (dis tri byu’ shun) n.
The sharing; the allotment
13. Distributive : dis TRIB utive (dis trib’ yute iv) adj.
Tending to deal a share to each one
14. Distributively : dis TRIB utively (dis trib’ yute iv lee) adj.
Separately; giving to each his portion
15. Distributor : dis TRIB utor (dis trib’ yute r) n.
One who distributes
16. Redistribute : redis TRIB (ute (rede i strib’ yute) v.
To distribute over again
17. Redistribution : redis TRIB ution (re dis tri byu’ shun) n.
A sharing over again
18. Redistributor : redis TRIB utor (re dis trib’ us tor) n.
One who apportions, distributes, again
19. Retribution : re TRIB ution (re tri byu’ shun) n.
Act of paying back
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