Chemistry Vocabulary

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Chemistry Vocabulary :

As per the Oxford Dictionary, the term VOCABULARY means
1. The stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons

2. A List or collection of the words or phrases of a language, technical field, etc., usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined

3. The words of a language

We have collected almost all the words related to Chemistry and listed them here for your reference. Although the list is exhausting, we have added all that we have and keep on out steps to collect more and more words. We humbly request YOU all to share the collection of words that you may have in your library with us so that we will add those list of words in this page and that will ultimately benefit our visitors like YOU.

Here is The Complete Lists.

  1. Absorbents

  2. Acid

  3. Acid, Concentrated

  4. Acid, Dilute

  5. Action (Chemical)

  6. Action (Secondary)

  7. Affinity

  8. Agent

  9. Alchemist

  10. Alkali

  11. Alkali, Caustic

  12. Alkali, Mild

  13. Allotropy

  14. Alloy

  15. Amorphous

  16. Anhydride

  17. Anhydrous

  18. Anion

  19. Aspirator

  20. Atomic Weight

  21. Base

  22. Bath (Sand)

  23. Bath (Water)

  24. Beaker

  25. Beehive Shelf

  26. Bleaching Agent

  27. Blowpipe (Mouth)

  28. Burner (Bunsen)

  29. By-Product

  30. Calcinations

  31. Catalysis

  32. Catalytic Agent

  33. Cation

  34. Chemical Displacement

  35. Chemical Double

  36. Decomposition

  37. Chemicals

  38. Classification

  39. Coagulation

  40. Collolds

  41. Combustion, Slow

  42. Combustion

  43. Component

  44. Composition (Gravimetric)

  45. Composition (Qualitative)

  46. Composition (Quantitative)

  47. Composition (Volumetric

  48. Compounds

  49. Condensation

  50. Corrosion

  51. Crucible

  52. Crystal

  53. Deflagrating Spoon

  54. Dehydrate

  55. Deliquescent

  56. Desiccator

  57. Dew Point

  58. Diffusion

  59. Dilute

  60. Distillation, Destructive

  61. Effervescence

  62. Efflorescent

  63. Element

  64. Emulsion

  65. Energy

  66. Equivalent Weight

  67. Etching

  68. Explosion

  69. Filtrate

  70. Fixation

  71. Flux

  72. Forceps

  73. Furnace, Blast

  74. Furnace, Reverberatory

  75. Glass (Wool)

  76. Granite

  77. Granulated

  78. Hard Water

  79. Hermetically Sealed

  80. Hydrate

  81. Hypothesis

  82. Indicator

  83. Infusion

  84. Isomorphous

  85. Ladle

  86. Law Of Constant

  87. Law Of Multiple

  88. Law Of Reciprocal

  89. Levigation

  90. Lime Water

  91. Lixiviate

  92. Methylated Spirit

  93. Mineral

  94. Mixture

  95. Mobile

  96. Molecule

  97. Mordant

  98. Mother-Liquor

  99. Neutral

  100. Nomenclature

  101. Non-Metal

  102. Normal Solution

  103. Occlusion

  104. Organic

  105. Oxidation

  106. Phosphorescence

  107. Pneumatic Trough

  108. Pyrotechny

  109. Radioactivity

  110. Raw Materials

  111. Reagan

  112. Receiver

  113. Reduction

  114. Refrigerator

  115. Retort

  116. Saturated

  117. Sediment

  118. Soluble

  119. Solubility

  120. Spatula

  121. Splinter

  122. Stable Compound

  123. Sublimation

  124. Symbol

  125. Tension (Vapour)

  126. Test Tub

  127. Titration

  128. Tripod Stand

  129. Turnings

  130. Unsaturated

  131. Valency

  132. Valent (Uni)

  133. Valent (Bi)

  134. Valent (Tri)

  135. Vapour Tension

  136. Volatile

  137. Wash Bottle

  138. Watch Glass

  139. Water Of Crystallization

  140. Wire Gauze

Vocabulary Index

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