Usage of Gap Fillers

Easy English Conversations Index

We use gap fillers in our conversations. When we speak continuously, we hesitate in the middle and search for words to be used. At that time we should not show our weakness. We have to use some words or expressions. They are called Gap Fillers. Some of them have meaning and some don't have any meaning at all.

  1. Tell me.

  2. Tell me something.

  3. Don't tell me.

  4. Wow!

  5. If you say so…

  6. You mean to say?

  7. Do you mean to say?

  8. Do you know what I mean?

  9. Well!

  10. You see!

  11. You know...

  12. I know.

  13. I see.

  14. Oh! I see.

  15. You mean...? Say.

  16. Incidentally

  17. Actually

  18. By the way

  19. Believe me.

  20. Come on.

  21. As if...

  22. Not at all

  23. Never

  24. No way

  25. Not a chance

  26. By all means

  27. Of course

  28. Surely

  29. Certainly

  30. Definitely

  31. Oh! Sure

  32. However

  33. Anyway

  34. Meanwhile

  35. Do...?

  36. So what!

  37. Obviously

  38. In fact

  39. Actually

  40. Exactly

  41. Precisely

  42. By all means

  43. Ah!

  44. Oh!

  45. Alas!

Easy English Conversations Index

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