
English Grammar Index

Homophones :

We have pairs of words in English, which have different spelling and Meaning but the same pronunciation. Such pairs are called Homophones (or) Confusing of pairs.

Example :

She was quite pale after carrying a heavy pail of water.

In this sentence the words PALE and PAIL are Homophones.

  1. Bread - bred

  2. Scene - seen

  3. Waist - waste

  4. Night - knight

  5. Through - threw

  6. Wait - weight

  7. Fare - fair

  8. Quite - quiet

  9. Right - write

  10. Cell - sell

  11. Pray - prey

  12. Advice - advise

Words often confused or misused :

  1. ability = power to do

    Abilities = powers and skills

  2. accede = implies actual agreement

    Concede = yielding without necessity agreeing

  3. accept = to agree or admit

    Except = to omit

  4. adapt = to make a trial

    Adopt = to select or choose

  5. assay = to make a trial

    Essay = to make an intellectual effort

  6. beside = at the side

    Besides = in addition to

  7. confidant = person who is very close

    Confident = feeling assured

  8. desert = desolate area

    Dessert = eatable at the end of dinner

  9. draft = sketch of work a form for drawing money

    Draught = dry weather

  10. gaol = prison

    Goal = destination

  11. team = a side of players

    Teem = be prolific with

  12. vain = valueless

    Vein = tube that carries blood

  13. vale = valley

    Veil = curtain

  14. vacation = period free from work

    Vocation = occupation

  15. straight = without curves

    Strait = narrow

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