How to convert a VERB into a GERUND?

English Grammar Index

How to convert a VERB into a GERUND? :

  1. If the verb ends in E, remove the E and add ING.

    Examples :

    Give + ing = giving

    Be + ing = being

  2. If the last two letters of the verb are EE, simply add ING.

    Examples :

    See + ing = seeing

  3. If the last two letters of the verb are IE, remove them and add YING.

    Examples :

    Die + ing = dying

    Lie + ing = lying

  4. If the last letter of the verb is a consonant and the letter before the consonant is a short vowel, just double the short vowel and add ING.

    Examples :

    Admit + ing = admitting

    Visit + ing = visiting

    Clap + ing = clapping

    Develop + ing = developing

  5. If the last letter is a consonant and the two letters before the consonant are vowels, simply add ING.

    Examples :

    Appear + ing = appearing

    Boil + ing = boiling

    Quit + ing = quitting

  6. If the last letter of the Verb is either one of W or X or Y, simply add ING.

    Examples :

    Follow + ing = following

    Fix + ing = fixing

  7. If the last two letters of the Verb are either of ON or EN or UR, simply add ING.

    Examples :

    Pardon + ing = pardoning

    Question + ing = questioning

  8. If the last two letters of the Verb are ER, simply add ING.

    Examples :

    Cover + ing = covering

    Enter + ing = entering

  9. If the last three letters of the verb are FER, just double the last letter and add ING.

    Examples :

    Prefer + ing = preferring

    Refer + ing + referring

  10. If the verb is not of one of the above types, simply add ING.

    Examples :

    Help + ing = helping

    Hold + ing = holding

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