
English Grammar Index

Infinitives :

Infinitive is formed by adding the TO to the ROOT VERB.

Points to remember :

General form : To + Root verb

Examples :

  1. To play : He has gone out to play cricket.

  2. To go : We have to go to New Delhi.

  3. To be : They have to be in New York next year.

  4. To see : We went to see our father.

  5. To buy : I did not have to buy the pen.

Some important Infinitives :

  1. To drive

  2. To stop

  3. To select

  4. To clean

  5. To pay

  6. To prepare

  7. To dash

  8. To think

  9. To purchase

  10. To call

  11. To meet

  12. To listen

  13. To plan

  14. To write

  15. To kill

  16. To get

  17. To run

  18. To hunt

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