Letter to a Friend
167 Kalians Colony, New Delhi. 7th Oct. 2004. Dear Kailash, I am glad you have won an Indo-Us Exchange Scholarship to go to New York State University to study Post Gorbachev US-Russia relationship. You are a scholar of American Literature and Culture. This will be golden opportunity for you to have a personal account of more customs and political systems of the world’s largest democracy and the richest country. From my experience of the American people which I gained during my stay for two years there, I can say you will the Americans. They are warm, fun-loving and hard-working. Remember the earliest Europeans who settled there around 1600 AD had to build their economy from the scratch. They did the hard way using their own muscle power. America has do-it-yourself culture. Lazy people have no place there. Intelligent people with innovative ideas are welcome to contribute and if one stays back one can make a fast buck. You may not be able to approve of permissive sex and consumer materialism. There is a dark side of freak cultures and the struggle for supremacy and power, the racial discrimination etc. But as our Nehru said a long time back, no culture is entirely glorious. Keep me informed of your reaction once you are in the US. With all the best wishes. Siganature of Anthony ANTHONY Reply to This Letter to a Friend
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