Occupations Vocabulary

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Occupations Vocabulary :

As per the Oxford Dictionary, the term VOCABULARY means
1. The stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons

2. A List or collection of the words or phrases of a language, technical field, etc., usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined

3. The words of a language

We have collected almost all the words related to Occupations and listed them here for your reference. Although the list is exhausting, we have added all that we have and keep on out steps to collect more and more words. We humbly request YOU all to share the collection of words that you may have in your library with us so that we will add those list of words in this page and that will ultimately benefit our visitors like YOU.

Here is The Complete Lists.

  1. Accountant

  2. Actor

  3. Advocate

  4. Ambassador

  5. Apothecary

  6. Appraiser

  7. Architect

  8. Artist

  9. Astrologer

  10. Attender

  11. Auditor

  12. Author

  13. Baker

  14. Barber

  15. Blacksmith

  16. Boxer

  17. Brazier

  18. Bricklayer

  19. Broker

  20. Bursar

  21. Butcher

  22. Butler

  23. Capitalist

  24. Carpenter

  25. Cashier

  26. Chaprassi

  27. Chauffeur

  28. Chemist

  29. Chuckler

  30. Cleaner

  31. Clergyman

  32. Clerk

  33. Cobbler

  34. Compositor

  35. Compounder

  36. Conductor

  37. Constable

  38. Cook

  39. Coolie

  40. Dancer

  41. Dentist

  42. Dhoby

  43. Doctor

  44. Draughtsman

  45. Druggist

  46. Drummer

  47. Dyer

  48. Editor

  49. Engineer

  50. Examiner

  51. Farmer

  52. Fisherman

  53. Gardener

  54. Gate Keeper

  55. Gold Smith

  56. Grass Cutter

  57. Grocer

  58. Hawker

  59. Inspector

  60. Joiner

  61. Labourer

  62. Maistry

  63. Marker

  64. Mechanic

  65. Merchant

  66. Midwife

  67. Millwright

  68. Minister

  69. Money-Lender

  70. Musician

  71. Navigator

  72. Novelist

  73. Nurse

  74. Officer

  75. Oil Monger

  76. Overseer

  77. Painter

  78. Peon

  79. Photographer

  80. Physician

  81. Pilot

  82. Playwright

  83. Plumber

  84. Potter

  85. Printer

  86. Publisher

  87. Purohit

  88. Quill Driver

  89. Reader

  90. Registrar

  91. Repairer

  92. Reporter

  93. Scavenger

  94. Scullion

  95. Seamster

  96. Secretary

  97. Shop Keeper

  98. Shroff

  99. Signaller

  100. Silversmith

  101. Songster

  102. Sorter

  103. Speaker

  104. Stenographer

  105. Superintendent

  106. Supervisor

  107. Surgeon

  108. Surveyor

  109. Syce

  110. Tailor

  111. Tinker

  112. Translator

  113. Typist

  114. Upholsterer

  115. Usurer

  116. Waiter

  117. Washer Man

  118. Watchman

  119. Weaver

  120. Weigh Man

  121. Wet Nurse

  122. Wrestler

  123. Writer

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