Optimism Quotes

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  • Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute.
    (Gil Stern)

  • Optimism is faith that leads to achievement.
    (Helen Keller)

  • An optimist is merely an ex-pessimist with his pockets full of money, his digestion in good condition and his wife in the country.
    (Helen Rowland)

  • Change does not necessarily assure progress. But progress implacably requires change. Education is essential to change, for education creates both new wants and the ability to satisfy them.
    (Henry S. Commager)

  • If we can recognize that change and uncertainty are basic principles, we can greet the future and the transformation we are undergoing with the understanding that we do not know enough to be pessimistic.
    (Hazel Henderson)

  • An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanks- giving Day.
    (Irv Kupcinet)

  • The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds and the pessimist fears this is true.
    (James Branch Cabell)

  • The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
    (L. Jacks)
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