Precis Writing
English Grammar Index
Precis Writing : A précis is a summary. Précis writing is a very useful exercise. Most of us read carelessly. Précis-writing gives training in careful reading. Précis–writing is regarded as a very important kind of composition because it develops one’s capacity to discriminate between the essential and the inessential. Write a précis of the following passage. Most of us have read the story of the hare and the tortoise. The tortoise who is known for slowness beat the hare in the race. This was because unlike the hare the tortoise went on steadily until the end. This often happens is school also, some students work for the examination towards the end of the year. They burn midnight oil and work hard. They become worried and tense and sometimes ill. Some others think of their studies from the first month and prepare steadily for the examination. They need not lose sleep at the end of the year and they do not become tense either. Often it is the latter who do better and earn credits is in life. A steady worker makes his mark sooner than one who works by fits and starts. Rough Draft : The story of the hare and tortoise. The tortoise won the race because it went on steadily until the end. Some students work hard throughout the year for their examinations. They become worried and tense. Some others prepare for their examinations steadily from the first month. They do not become tense and never lose sleep but they win. A steady worker makes his mark sooner than one who works by fits and starts. Fair Draft : You might have heard the story of the hare and the tortoise. The tortoise who won the race because he was steady. Some students prepare for their examinations and work hard. They become worried and tense. But one who works steadily from the beginning wins. Similarly everyone should work steadily to make his mark easily and quickly. English Grammar Index From Precis Writing to HOME PAGE |