Difficult Words:

Premise and Preempt

Difficult Words : Premise and Preempt

Preempt (pree EMPT) v: to seize something by prior right

When television show A preempts television show B, television show A is shown at the time usually reserved for television show B. The word preempt implies that television show A is more important than television show B and thus has a greater right to the time slot.

A preemptive action is one that is undertaken in order to prevent some other action from being undertaken.

When the air force launched a preemptive strike against the missile base, the air force was attacking the missiles in order to prevent the missiles from attacking the air force.

Premise (PREM is) n: an assumption; the basis for a conclusion

In deciding to eat all the ice cream in the freezer, my premise was that if I didn't do it, you would.

Based on the premise that two wrongs don't make a right, I hit him three times.

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