Difficult Words :

Stigmatize and Steadfast

Difficult Words : Stigmatize and Steadfast

This site in general and this page in particular will certainly help the visitors to increase their knowledge of vocabulary in an exhaustive way. Whilst browsing through this list, at one full swoop you will pick up many words with the same or a related and the opposite meaning.

Steadfast (STED fast) adj: loyal, faithful

Steadfast love is love that never wavers.

To be steadfast in a relationship is to be faithfully committed. To be steadfast is to be like a rock, unchanging, unwavering and unmoving.

Stigmatize (STIG muh TIZE) v: to brand with disgrace, to set a mark of disgrace upon

Steve's jeans were Lee's instead of Levi's, and this mistake stigmatized him for the rest of his high school career.

Reading this list is a great fun, while expanding your vocabulary at the same time. It is meant to help to improve the vocabulary of the visitors, the students (who are preparing for various examinations), the authors, journalists, literati and all other people who are interested in improving their language skills.

So enjoy this list and then get around for preparing your own list of words. There is no better way of boosting your words power. The most effective way to build your vocabulary is described in the page on Word Power. Educational research has discovered that your I.Q. is intimately related to your Word Power. Take a standard Vocabulary test and then an intelligent test, the result in both will be substantially the same. The more extensive your vocabulary, the better your chances of success, other things being equal- success in attaining your educational goals, success in moving ahead in your business or professional career, success in achieving your intellectual potential.

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