Charity begins at home.

Charity begins at home.

Charity begins at home.

Charity means helping the poor and needy persons. Being charitable is one of the good nature of the person. The proverb above implies that charity should begin at home. That means that we should start helping out neighbours. If we do not maintain good relations with our neighbours and do not help them, we will not be able to help others who are at a great distance from us.

Man is a social animal and he cannot survive alone. It is not justice and kind act that he enjoys the comforts when his fellow beings around him are suffering. He must be charitable in making his fellow beings comfortable. Though we see a number of people take against corruption and removal social evils like dowry, the same people who talk about this involve themselves in this activity. So we should practice what we preach.

Charity is universal duty.

This proverb expresses that it is a moral duty of everyone of the world to be charitable towards suffering, needy and insolent people. So it is the duty of everyone who can afford help to the pitiable human beings. Offering charity is the virtue of the kind-hearted personalities.

Only polite and tenderhearted people can help the suffering people. Others don’t have helping tendency towards them. We all live together in the society. Wherever we see, there are many human beings in pitiable conditions. It is inhuman to make merry ourselves when we see our neighbours suffering. So we must have an attitude of rendering help to such people through charity and kindness.

We can strengthen love and affection among the people. Helping others at the time of need is a virtue of God. Serving the distressed people is of Godly nature. If a man acquires such virtues, then only he is known to be a social animal. Otherwise he is lesser than an animal. That’s why it is said that service to man is service to God. There are many students who are brilliant but are not able to pay the fees for their studies. The well-to-do teachers and sincere people outside the institution must come forward to extend their helping hands to those students and so they can continue their studies.

On December 26 - 2004 the natural fury Tsunami emanated in the Bay of Bengal. It emerged due to the earthquake near Sumatra island of Indonesia and devastated Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the eastern coastal area of Tamil Nadu. It kindled in the hearts of the people the feeling of sympathy universally. Many nations, social organizations and kindhearted individuals came forward to help the victims. So, charity towards suffering human beings is a moral duty of everyone. To be charitable is the best virtue of man’s character.

Charity begins at home.


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