This ROOT-WORD is the Suffix LESS which means WITHOUT . It is a very simple key and much in use. It is added to nouns and makes adjectives of them. On the next two pages you will have another simple key added to LESS and almost the same list of words. Let’s see what happens!

1. baseless : bass LESS (base’ les) adj.

Without a base; groundless.

2. artless : art LESS (art’ les) adj.

Without art; natural.

3. careless: care LESS (kare’ les) adj.

Without care; slovenly.

4. effortless : effort LESS (ef’ ert les) adj.

Without effort; easily.

5. friendless : friend LESS (frend’ les) adj.

Without friends; alond.

6. graceless : grace LESS (grace’ les) adj.

Without grace; clumsy.

7. fearless : fear LESS (feer’ les) adj.

Without fear; unafraid.

8. helpless : help LESS (help’ les) adj.

Without help; defenseless.

9. homeless : home LESS (home’ les) adj.

Without a home.

10. hopeless : hope LESS (hope’ les) adu.

Without a home.

11. listless : list LESS (list’ les) adj.

Without spirit.

12. noiseless : noise LESS (noiz’ les) adj.

Without noise; quiet.

13. powerless : power LESS (pow’ er les) adj.

Without power; lacking strength .

14. sleepless : sleep LESS (sleep’ les) adj.

Without sleep; always awake.

15. restless : rest LESS (rest’ les) adj.

Without rest; uneasy.

16. tireless : tire LESS (tire’ les) adj.

Without getting tired; never weary.

17. tasteless : taste LESS (taste’ les) adj.

Without taste; flat taste.

18. voiceless : voice LESS (voi’ sles) adj.

Without voice; soundless. 19. trackless : track LESS (trak’ les) adj.

Without a track; pathless.

20. weightless : weight LESS (wate’ les) adj.

Without weight, light as a feather.

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