Plural Possessive Pronouns

Plural Possessive Pronouns :

Possessive pronouns are exactly the words that are the pronouns that help us show possession in the English language. Usually to show possession, we have two options that are grammatically correct.

First, we can use an apostrophe and an s.

Raja’s brother was named Alex.
Mary’s sister gets married today.

However, when we want to use a pronoun to show possession, we cannot use subject pronouns.

HE is a subject pronoun. Replace it with the appropriate possessive pronoun and it will make a lot more sense.

His name was Alex.
Her sister gets married today.

Possessive pronouns include my, mine, our, ours, its, his, her, hers, their, theirs, your and yours - all words that demonstrate ownership.

Possessive pronouns stand for nouns and are thus used instead of the nouns to which they refer.

Singular Possessive Pronouns

Personal Pronoun….. Possessive Pronoun

1. I….. My….. I am walking with my brother.
2. You….. Your…….You are carrying your cat. Aren't you?
3. He…… His……Hany is looking at his mistakes.
4. She……Her…….Mona is waiting for her sister.
5. It………Its………The hen is sitting on its nest.
6. It…….Its…….You will break its legs.

Plural Possessive Pronouns

Personal Pronoun….. Possessive Pronoun

1. We……..Our…….W'e are walking with our friends.
2. You……Your…..You aren't doing your homework?
3. They…….Their……They have lost their money.
4. They Their They are walking with their puppies.

5. They……..Their……Change their covers.

They are used without a noun and in genitive case.

1. The Book is mine.
2. The Book Ls yours.
3. This is yours.
4. This book is ours.

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