The Past Perfect Subjunctive :
The Joining Verbs
A joining verb requires a (complement) not an object to complete the meaning.
1. You look quite tired out.
2. She looks sad.
3. It becoming more and more difficult.
4 . It has become much warmer.
5 . Later, she became an artist.
6 . the earth is round.
7 . They seem happy.
The Perfect Infinitive
It consists of to have + the past participle.
To say the truth is good.
To have said the truth is good.
If she had come, I should have given her the present.
We should have helped them.
The Continuous Infinitive
It forms of two forms.
Present Continuous Infinitive
He seems to be working hard.
Perfect Continuous Infinitive
He seems to have been working hard.
The Indicative Mood
Did Hanaa come?
The Subjunctive Mood
If we go, will you come with us?
The subjunctive mood has two forms.
1) The Simple Subjunctive
The Present Simple Subjunctive
It consists of the infinitive without (to) + present subjunctive
The president lives here.
Long live the president.
God help you.
God be with you.
Damn you!
If need be we all shall be with you.
The Past Simple Subjunctive
It consists of the form of the verb in the past simple tense except verb TO BE which will take were with all the pronouns.
If I were a king, I could rule injustice.
If I were a bird, I could fly.
The Past Perfect Subjunctive
It consists of the form of verb in the past perfect tense
If she had not come her mother would have punished her.
It is time.
It is time I went.
Would sooner + infinitive without TO.
Would rather + infinitive without TO.
Hany would rather come himself.
I would rather he came tomorrow than today.
I would sooner he came tomorrow than today.
The Compound Subjunctive
It composed of the helping verbs (would, should, may, might)
Ali worked hard in order that / so that he might gain more money.
He ran away lest he should be arrested.
May you be pleased?
If Hany succeeded, I should give him the present.
The Imperative Mood
Don’t postpone the game.
Stand up.
Open the window please.
Please don’t do that.
Don’t accompany these evil,
1. Finites (Finite Verbs)
The finite verb can form the predicate of a sentence by itself and agrees with its subject in number and in person.
She blames you.
Do you think I am crazy?
I think so.
They think so.
The finite verb represents the general form of verbs.
I will see you later.
Now I feel better.
He tried to double cross me.
That depends on a lot of things.
2. The Special Finite Verbs
They are so called owing to their specific characteristics
to be
to have
to do
3. Non-Finite Verbs
A non-finite verb (also known as a verbal) is the term used to describe a verb that is not showing tense.
In other words, it a verb form which is not acting like a verb (or, at least, the type of verb you need to form a sentence).
There are three types of non-finite verbs : gerunds, infinitives and participles. Look at these examples.
I hate camping.
Camping is a non-finite verb. In fact, it is a gerund, i.e., a noun formed from a verb. The giveaway for a gerund is the –ing ending.
I want to go there.
To go is a non-finite verb. It is an infinitive, i.e., the base form of a verb. The giveaway for an infinitive is often, but not always, the to before it.
We ate our roasted marshmallows.
Roasted is a non-finite verb. It is a participle, a type of adjective. There is no real giveaway for a participle, but lots of participles end in -ed and -ing.
I started screaming at my parents for trying to send me to camp.
Screaming and trying - gerunds
To send - infinitive verb
Arriving late, I saw the other kids and they seemed to be excited.
Arriving - present participle
to be - infinitive verb
excited - past participle
We sang songs around the campfire and toasted marshmallows.
There are no non-finite verbs in this example.
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