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Today's Word : Nebulous
August 02, 2007

Word for 2nd August 2007: A Word A Day-Nebulous


( Adjective )

Nebulous : (neb' yu-les)

1. Cloudy, misty or hazy

2. Lacking definite form or limits, vague

3. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a nebula

4. Not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand


Latin nebulosus which means misty and from nebula which means cloud

Contextual Examples:

• Oscar's views are so nebulous that no one can figure out what he thinks about anything.

• The community's boundaries are somewhat nebulous, where they are depends on whom you ask.

• Molly's expensive new hairdo was a sort of nebulous mass of wisps, waves and hair spray.

• Although the photography of the film was spectacular, the plot was rather nebulous.


1. Ambiguous

2. Cloudy

3. Equivocal

4. Inexplicit

5. Obscure

6. Uncertain

7. Unclear

8. Vague

9. Uncertain

10. Unclear

11. Confused


1. Apparent

2. Definite

3. Obvious

4. Plain

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