Sunday, 26th August 2007 : Today's Word is ...
( Adjective )
Pronunciation : (her-met'ik)
1. Completely sealed, especially against the escape or entry of air
2. Impervious to outside interference or influence
3. Of or relating to Hermes Trismegistus or the works ascribed to him
4. Having to do with the occult sciences, especially alchemy
5. Completely airtight
New Latin hermēticus, alchemical, from Medieval Latin Hermēs (Trismegistus)
Contextual Example:
The box has been sealed hermatically tight.
Related Words:
Hermetically : Adverb
Hermetical : Adjective
The word hermetic is commonly applied to literary or graphical symbolism that is exceedingly obscure, convoluted, or esoteric. In that context, and not in any other context, hermeticism is the deliberate use of hermetic imagery.
Hermeticism : a magical and religious movement stemming from the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus.
Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor : an initiatic occult organisation that first became public in late 1884.
Hermetic Kabbalah : a syncretism of Kabbalah within Hermeticism
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn : a 19th century occult society
Hermetic (soundtrack album) : a music album by Timbersound with Magne Furuholmen
Hermetic seal : an airtight seal
Hermetic detector : a particle detector with large-angle coverage, designed to observe as many particles from an interaction as possible.
Hermetica : also known as the Corpus Hermeticum or Hermetic Corpus, a corpus of Egyptian or Greek literature
Hermética : an Argentine heavy metal band
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